Magical Lance of Odin: Gungnir
G ung nir is a mythical weapon from Norse mythology , said to be the magical l ance of Odin , the chief god of the Æ s ir . The l ance was crafted by the dwarves and given to Odin by Loki . It is described as being so well balanced that it never misses its mark , and is even said to be capable of slaying any enemy . According to the Po etic Ed da , G ung nir was fashioned by the sons of Iv aldi , the most talented of the dwar ven black smith s . Loki had challenged them to a friendly competition , and they rose to the challenge and created the mighty spear . In return , Loki was given a golden ring and a magical ship . G ung nir was made from U ru , a magical metal that was said to be harder than any other metal known to the Norse . The shaft of the spear was made from Y ew , a sacred tree that was said to have magical properties ...