Japanese creation myth known as "The Age of the Gods"
It Begins in a Lifeless, Silent Cosmos… The Kojiki, the earliest historical document ever recorded in Japan in 712 AD, and the Nihon Shoki, which was written in 720, both provide comprehensive accounts of Japanese mythology. These tales were transmitted orally for centuries before they were ever written down, as was customary before the invention of writing, among other oral traditions being the Teiki and Kuji. The Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, which describe the origin of the heavens and the earth, the islands of Japan, the gods, and the creation of humanity, together make up the Japanese and Shinto religion's creation mythology. Seven Generations of the Age of the Gods The description of the kami, or gods, known as the Seven Generations of the Age of the Gods is given in the following stage. There are 12 deities in total that are covered at this time. The 14 Japanese islands are claimed to have been formed by the final kami generations, Izanagi and Izanami. They were responsible with ...