7 Deadly sins
The seven deadly sins are a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings. They are often referred to as the capital vices or cardinal sins. There are similarities with the seven things God is claimed to despise in the Book of Proverbs, despite the fact that they are not specifically listed in the Bible. If a habit or behaviour directly contributes to other immoralities, it falls under this category. The seven major virtues are pride, greed, anger, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth, according to the conventional list. LUST An overwhelming urge, generally to enjoy illicit or immoral sexual gratification, is referred to as lust. Fornication or illicit marriage between unmarried individuals are both examples of sexual immorality that can result from lust (adultery). Another kind of adultery is when a married individual engages in illicit behaviour with an unmarried person. If the need for sexual gratification isn't subdued, it could result in rape or even bestiality. B...